Tool to analyze PE files in python 3. Current features :
- Show information about the file (import, exports, resources)
- Search for interesting information in the file (abnormal resources, peid...)
- Dump sections or resources
- Check size
- Search for a string in the file
You can install it from pypi : pip install pecli
Or directly from the code :
git clone
cd pecli
pip install .
PEcli works with plugins, like pecli PLUGIN FILE
usage: pecli [-h] {check,checksize,crypto,dump,info,richpe,search,shell,sig,strings,vt} ...
positional arguments:
check Check for stuff in the file
checksize Check size of the PE file
crypto Identifies cryptographic values
dump Dump resource or section of the file
info Extract info from the PE file
richpe Decode Rich PE Header
search Search for a string in a PE file
shell Launch ipython shell to analyze the PE file
sig Handle PE Signature
strings Extract strings from the PE file
vt Check PE information in VirusTotal
Example :
$ pecli info explorer.exe
MD5: 418045a93cd87a352098ab7dabe1b53e
SHA1: 98b9ad668e0727be888b861f49aac0f72725e634
SHA256: 81419093ccb985da284931fa3df41c4cfe25350db1c366792903411819371664
Imphash: c3eb9567e9430e65e703dca7bb8343fa
Size: 1036800 bytes
Type: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
Compile Time: 2008-04-13 19:17:04 (UTC - 0x48025C30)
Entry point: 0x101a55f (section .text)
Debug Information: explorer.pdb
Name VirtSize VirtAddr RawSize RawAddr Entropy md5
.text 0x44c09 0x1000 0x400 0x44e00 6.3838 8c58c76b600f5aee7f7c7242454b9a1f
.data 0x1db4 0x46000 0x45200 0x1800 1.2992 983f35021232560eaaa99fcbc1b7d359
.rsrc 0xb2f64 0x48000 0x46a00 0xb3000 6.6381 f7df812e2e64b1514d61a9681fbe71da
.reloc 0x374c 0xfb000 0xf9a00 0x3800 6.7817 ec335057489badbf6d8142b57175fd91
0x1001000 RegSetValueW
0x1001004 RegEnumKeyExW
0x1001008 GetUserNameW
Id Name Size Lang Sublang Type MD5
2-143-1031 None 2040 B LANG_GERMAN SUBLANG_GERMAN data f0e8e299c637633db0a5af11042adb04
2-145-1031 None 35322 B LANG_GERMAN SUBLANG_GERMAN data 1e5bfaf34503ce750b3cc13058a3f88b
2-146-1031 None 12826 B LANG_GERMAN SUBLANG_GERMAN data 061daf6ef2047f33947d5655f1c8aaa4
$ pecli check playlib.exe
Running checks on playlib.exe:
[+] Abnormal section names: .enigma1 .enigma2
[+] Suspicious section's entropy: .enigma1 - 7.931
[+] Known malicious sections
-.enigma1: Enigma Virtual Box protector
-.enigma2: Enigma Virtual Box protector
[+] 200 extra bytes in the file
[+] TLS Callback: 0x446bb0
[+] PE header in sections .enigma2
[+] Known suspicious import hash: Enigma VirtualBox
This tool is published under MIT License
- Viper
- PEScanner published by Michael Ligh for the Malware Analyst's Cookbook (python2 only)
- Manalyze by Ivan Kwiatkowski
- On Windows, PeStudio, PEView and Resource Hacker