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Sung Yun Byeon edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 3 revisions

컴퓨터 비전 데이터

  • ImageNet
  • Labelme
  • LSUN : 무대 분류 데이터(Bedroom, Bridge, Classroom...)
  • CIFAR-10 : 말이 필요 없는 CIFAR 10
  • COCO : object detection, segmentation, captioning dataset
  • YouTube 8M : a large-scale labeled dataset that consists of millions of YouTube video IDs, with annotations of over 3,800+ visual entities
  • Visual Genome : Visual Genome is a dataset, a knowledge base, an ongoing effort to connect structured image concepts to language(10k)
  • Stanford Dogs Dataset : 강아지 120종 데이터
  • VisualQA
  • DeepFashion2

자연어 처리 데이터(한국어)