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  • 打开sln,以RTCLI.AOTCompiler为启动项目;
  • usage: RTCLI.AOTCompiler.exe <output_path> <assembly_paths>;
  • 内置了一个TestCase项目进行开发前期代码生成测试,在调试选项中为RTCLI.AOTCompiler附加调试参数$(SolutionDir)RTCLI.Generated $(SolutionDir)RTCLI.TestCase/bin/Debug/netstandardX.X/RTCLI.TestCase.dll;
  • 代码会被生成在./RTCLI.CXXTest文件夹下.


  • 确保您的环境具有CMake(Version >= 3.19.0);
  • 运行时仓库:RTCLI.Runtime;
  • 打开运行时仓库,运行./gen_${YourIDE}.bat,此时Solution会在/build下被生成;
  • 运行./install.bat进行安装,需要管理员权限.


  • 打开RTCLI.CXXTest文件夹,运行./gen_${YourIDE}.bat,此时Solution会在/build下被生成;
  • 打开Solution,选择对应的Test项目运行即可。


  • 默认使用netstandard2.1的标准meta文件



public static void Test()
    String nullStr = null;
    String str = "Static String";

    String lowerStr = str.ToLower();
    System.Console.Write("ToLower: ");


RTCLI::System::Void RTCLI::TestCase::TestString::Test()
	RTCLI::TRef<RTCLI::System::String> v0 = RTCLI::null;
	RTCLI::TRef<RTCLI::System::String> v1 = RTCLI::null;
	RTCLI::TRef<RTCLI::System::String> v2 = RTCLI::null;
	// IL_0000: nop
	IL_0000: RTCLI::nop();
	// IL_0001: ldnull
	IL_0001: auto& s0 = RTCLI::null;
	// IL_0002: stloc.0
	IL_0002: v0 = s0;
	// IL_0003: ldstr \"Static String\"
	IL_0003: RTCLI::System::String s1 = RTCLI_NATIVE_STRING("Static String");
	// IL_0008: stloc.1
	IL_0008: v1 = s1;
	// IL_0009: ldloc.1
	IL_0009: auto& s2 = v1.Get();
	// IL_000a: call System.Void System.Console::WriteLine(System.String)
	IL_000a: RTCLI::System::Console::WriteLine(s2);
	// IL_000f: nop
	IL_000f: RTCLI::nop();
	// IL_0010: ldloc.1
	IL_0010: auto& s3 = v1.Get();
	// IL_0011: callvirt System.Int32 System.String::get_Length()
	IL_0011: auto s4 = ((RTCLI::System::String&)s3).get_Length();
	// IL_0016: call System.Void System.Console::WriteLine(System.Int32)
	IL_0016: RTCLI::System::Console::WriteLine(s4);
	// IL_001b: nop
	IL_001b: RTCLI::nop();
	// IL_001c: ldloc.1
	IL_001c: auto& s5 = v1.Get();
	// IL_001d: callvirt System.String System.String::ToLower()
	IL_001d: auto s6 = ((RTCLI::System::String&)s5).ToLower();
	// IL_0022: stloc.2
	IL_0022: v2 = s6;
	// IL_0023: ldstr \"ToLower: \"
	IL_0023: RTCLI::System::String s7 = RTCLI_NATIVE_STRING("ToLower: ");
	// IL_0028: call System.Void System.Console::Write(System.String)
	IL_0028: RTCLI::System::Console::Write(s7);
	// IL_002d: nop
	IL_002d: RTCLI::nop();
	// IL_002e: ldloc.2
	IL_002e: auto& s8 = v2.Get();
	// IL_002f: call System.Void System.Console::WriteLine(System.String)
	IL_002f: RTCLI::System::Console::WriteLine(s8);
	// IL_0034: nop
	IL_0034: RTCLI::nop();
	// IL_0035: ret
	IL_0035: return ;


OpCode Binary CXXCvt CXXRuntime Test
add 0x58
add.ovf 0xd6
add.ovf.un 0xd7
and 0x5f
arglist 0xfe00
beq 0x3b
beq.s 0x2e
bge 0x3c
bge.s 0x2f
bge.un 0x41
bge.un.s 0x34
bgt 0x3d
bgt.s 0x30
bgt.un 0x42
bgt.un.s 0x35
ble 0x3e
ble.s 0x31
ble.un 0x43
ble.un.s 0x36
blt 0x3f
blt.s 0x32
blt.un 0x44
blt.un.s 0x37
bne.un 0x40
bne.un.s 0x33
box 0x8c
br 0x38 🔷
br.s 0x2b 🔷
break 0x1
brfalse 0x39 🔷
brfalse.s 0x2c 🔷
brtrue 0x3a 🔷
brtrue.s 0x2d 🔷
call 0x28 🔷
calli 0x29
callvirt 0x6f 🔷
castclass 0x74
ceq 0xfe01
cgt 0xfe02
cgt.un 0xfe03
ckfinite 0xc3
clt 0xfe04
clt.un 0xfe05
constrained 0xfe16
conv.i 0xd3
conv.i1 0x67
conv.i2 0x68
conv.i4 0x69
conv.i8 0x6a
conv.ovf.i 0xd4
conv.ovf.i.un 0x8a
conv.ovf.i1 0xb3
conv.ovf.i1.un 0x82
conv.ovf.i2 0xb5
conv.ovf.i2.un 0x83
conv.ovf.i4 0xb7
conv.ovf.i4.un 0x84
conv.ovf.i8 0xb9
conv.ovf.i8.un 0x85
conv.ovf.u 0xd5
conv.ovf.u.un 0x8b
conv.ovf.u1 0xb4
conv.ovf.u1.un 0x86
conv.ovf.u2 0xb6
conv.ovf.u2.un 0x87
conv.ovf.u4 0xb8
conv.ovf.u4.un 0x88
conv.ovf.u8 0xba
conv.ovf.u8.un 0x89
conv.r.un 0x76
conv.r4 0x6b
conv.r8 0x6c
conv.u 0xe0
conv.u1 0xd2
conv.u2 0xd1
conv.u4 0x6d
conv.u8 0x6e
cpblk 0xfe17
cpobj 0x70
div 0x5b
div.un 0x5c
dup 0x25
endfilter 0xfe11
endfinally 0xdc
initblk 0xfe18
initobj 0xfe15
isinst 0x75
jmp 0x27 🔷
ldarg 0xfe09 🔷
ldarg.0 0x2 🔷
ldarg.1 0x3 🔷
ldarg.2 0x4 🔷
ldarg.3 0x5 🔷
ldarg.s 0xe 🔷
ldarga 0xfe0a 🔷
ldarga.s 0xf 🔷
ldc.i4 0x20
ldc.i4.0 0x16
ldc.i4.1 0x17
ldc.i4.2 0x18
ldc.i4.3 0x19
ldc.i4.4 0x1a
ldc.i4.5 0x1b
ldc.i4.6 0x1c
ldc.i4.7 0x1d
ldc.i4.8 0x1e
ldc.i4.m1 0x15
ldc.i4.s 0x1f
ldc.i8 0x21
ldc.r4 0x22
ldc.r8 0x23
ldelem.any 0xa3
ldelem.i 0x97
ldelem.i1 0x90
ldelem.i2 0x92
ldelem.i4 0x94
ldelem.i8 0x96
ldelem.r4 0x98
ldelem.r8 0x99
ldelem.ref 0x9a
ldelem.u1 0x91
ldelem.u2 0x93
ldelem.u4 0x95
ldelema 0x8f
ldfld 0x7b
ldflda 0x7c
ldftn 0xfe06
ldind.i 0x4d
ldind.i1 0x46
ldind.i2 0x48
ldind.i4 0x4a
ldind.i8 0x4c
ldind.r4 0x4e
ldind.r8 0x4f
ldind.ref 0x50
ldind.u1 0x47
ldind.u2 0x49
ldind.u4 0x4b
ldlen 0x8e
ldloc 0xfe0c 🔷
ldloc.0 0x6 🔷
ldloc.1 0x7 🔷
ldloc.2 0x8 🔷
ldloc.3 0x9 🔷
ldloc.s 0x11 🔷
ldloca 0xfe0d 🔷
ldloca.s 0x12 🔷
ldnull 0x14
ldobj 0x71
ldsfld 0x7e
ldsflda 0x7f
ldstr 0x72
ldtoken 0xd0
ldvirtftn 0xfe07
leave 0xdd
leave.s 0xde
localloc 0xfe0f
mkrefany 0xc6
mul 0x5a
mul.ovf 0xd8
mul.ovf.un 0xd9
neg 0x65
newarr 0x8d
newobj 0x73
no 0xfe19
nop 0x0
not 0x66
or 0x60
pop 0x26
readonly 0xfe1e
refanytype 0xfe1d
refanyval 0xc2
rem 0x5d
rem.un 0x5e
ret 0x2a 🔷
rethrow 0xfe1a
shl 0x62
shr 0x63
shr.un 0x64
sizeof 0xfe1c
starg 0xfe0b 🔷
starg.s 0x10 🔷
stelem.any 0xa4
stelem.i 0x9b
stelem.i1 0x9c
stelem.i2 0x9d
stelem.i4 0x9e
stelem.i8 0x9f
stelem.r4 0xa0
stelem.r8 0xa1
stelem.ref 0xa2
stfld 0x7d 🔷
stind.i 0xdf
stind.i1 0x52
stind.i2 0x53
stind.i4 0x54
stind.i8 0x55
stind.r4 0x56
stind.r8 0x57
stind.ref 0x51
stloc 0xfe0e
stloc.0 0xa
stloc.1 0xb
stloc.2 0xc
stloc.3 0xd
stloc.s 0x13
stobj 0x81
stsfld 0x80 🔷
sub 0x59
sub.ovf 0xda
sub.ovf.un 0xdb
switch 0x45
tail 0xfe14
throw 0x7a
unaligned 0xfe12
unbox 0x79
unbox.any 0xa5
volatile 0xfe13
xor 0x61









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