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This project contains a server program to emulate the official test environment found unter wss:// It provides the standard WebSocket game API (/spe_ed) as well as the time API (/spe_ed_time). It creates a web server that hosts a GUI visualizing the game. The GUI can be accessed under http://localhost:8080.

The server supports one game at a time. It does not check the client's responses for timeouts. Therefore, it should only be used in development.


0. Prerequisites

Our software is written in Go. So you need a fully functional Go installation. At least version 1.15 is required. You can get information on how to install Go on your computer here.

This program also uses the gorilla/websocket library that can be found under

To install the library, run go get after you installed Go.

1. Cloning the repository

To clone the repository run git clone If you'd like to use the scripts we provide with our client, make sure to clone the repository into the same directory. To get into the repository run cd server

2. Building the server

Run go build at the root level of the repository. In case of failure make sure you are in the right directory and your Go installation works.

3. Running the server

Run ./server. The server is now waiting for connections. After the specified number of players connected, a game starts. You can stop the server by pressing Strg+c on your keyboard. For information about the options read the section Configuration.

If you are also setting up our client you can now jump back here.


The server has several configuration options:

  • -h height: Board height
  • -w width: Board width
  • -p player: Number of players (up to 6)
  • -d minimalDeadline: Minimal deadline in seconds
  • -o deadlineOffset: Maximum deadline offset in seconds; maximum deadline is minimalDeadline + deadlineOffset. The deadline will be chosen at random.