BeddoControl is a tool in the "Beddo" product family. The products are designed to create an overlay for a poker live stream. It's main purpose is to manage and control all important settings for the overlays generated by BeddoMischer.
(Icon made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY)
- create new players
- set player properties
- name
- twitch name
- seat (a seat is a position at the poker table with a corresponding NFC reader that is connected to a BeddoFabrik)
- remaining chips
- manage card ID (A manage card can be used to assign a new seat to a player. This is accomplished by placing the manage card for a player on a certain NFC reader at the table. The seat is then automatically assigned to the player the manage card corresponds to.)
- toggle player status
- active (show in overlay)
- fold (hide in overlay)
- out of game (no chips remaining; hide in overlay)
- highlight (Indicates whether the player is on the turn.)
- see the calculated win probability for all players
- see the scanned cards for all players
- clear the scanned cards for players (replaces the cards with default images in the overlay and sends a clear command to all connected BeddoFabrik systems.)
- delete players
- see all scanned community cards
- clear all scanned community cards (replaces the cards with default images in the overlay and sends a clear command to all connected BeddoFabrik systems.)
- manually set cards for all five board positions (This is useful if a NFC scanner fails to detect one or more cards. In order to manually set board cards the BeddoControl operator needs to see a top view of the poker table to recognize the cards.)
- lock board NFC scanners (Instructs BeddoMischer to reject any incoming messages regarding scanned board cards. Locking the board input is necessary in order to avoid accidently scanning any cards while the dealer is shuffling or dealing the cards to the players.)
- unlock board (re-enables the scanning of board cards.)
- set a timer (whole minutes) until the next break (This timer will be shown in the PlayerFeedback Website provided by BeddoMischer to inform the players about the next break.)
- set a timer (whole minutes) until the current break ends (This timer will be shown in the PlayerFeedback Website provided by BeddoMischer to inform the players about the end of the current break. In addition this timer will be shown in some of the overlays provided by BeddoMischer for the audience.)
- abort timers
- set small blind (This value is shown in the PlayerFeedback Website provided by BeddoMischer and in the board overlay for the audience.)
- set big blind (This value is shown in the PlayerFeedback Website provided by BeddoMischer and in the board overlay for the audience.)
- set ante (This value is shown in the PlayerFeedback Website provided by BeddoMischer and in the board overlay for the audience.)
"Reader" is a synonym for one of the NFC scanners.
- assign readers to sets
- assign readers for board cards
- visualize whether a connection to BeddoMischer is established, shows specific IP address and port of that connection
- visualize whether a MIDI device is successfully connected
- visualize the number of BeddoFabrik systems that are connected to BeddoMischer
- locks all input (Instructs BeddoMischer to reject any incoming messages regarding scanned cards.)
- unlocks all input (re-enables the scanning of cards.)
- clears the scanned cards for all players and board (replaces the cards with default images in the overlay and sends a clear command to all connected BeddoFabrik systems.)
- resets the win probability for all players
- changes the state of all players that are marked as "fold" to "active" (This will add the players to the overlay again)
- locks the board
BeddoControl is deigned to be used together with a Launchpad MK2. All important actions are mapped to the Launchpad including a color feedback by using a midi.json config file
- Master Lock/Unlock (Toggle)
- Lock Board (Toggle)
- Clear Board
- New Round
- activate/fold/out of game/highlight players
- a column on the Launchpad represents one player
- the color codes represents the action buttons in the BeddoControl UI (green = active; yellow = fold; red = out of game; blue = highlight)
- (Apache 2.0)
- de.lemonpie:BeddoCommon:1.1.0
- de.tobias:libMidi:1.1.4
- de.tobias:libUtils:1.6.7
- de.tobias:libNetwork:1.0.1
- de.tobias:libStorage:1.3.0
- de.deadlocker8:tools:1.1.0