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This repository provides code used for short demonstration of Temporal basic concepts and features applied to business cases



  • .NET 8
  • Temporal server running

Build and Test

Build the Project


dotnet build

Run Temporal Cluster + API (from temporal-server folder):

docker compose up

Run tests:

dotnet test

Run API:

dotnet TemporalAirlinesConcept.Api.dll


Important: Replace PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=EMAIL and POSTGRES_PASSWORD=PASSWORD in the .env file with the actual value

Run Locally: chose docker-compose project as the start-up project and run or use docker-compose up in temporal-server directory

Run on server: use docker-compose up in temporal-server directory



You can launch Temporal Cluster + API with Docker Compose using IDE + docker-compose project or manually from temporal-server folder using docker compose up command

In docker-compose API service could be commented and API could be launched separately. Change the connection strings in this case.

Alternatively, you can launch an environment for this code using a local developemnt environment using
these instructions