A blank WordPress child theme for Fictioneer.
You can modify the Fictioneer parent theme quite a lot with actions and filters. To keep things in one place as much as possible, most code snippets have been moved to the Fictioneer main repository under Customize. You are expected to know the basics of CSS, HTML, and PHP or consult one of the many free tutorials on the matter just a quick Internet search away.
This goes into your child theme’s functions.php
function child_scope_blog_shortcode_to_roles( $query_args ) {
# Optional: Only apply the filter to a specific page, etc.
if ( ! is_page( 'your-page-slug' ) ) {
return $query_args;
# Step 1: Get users with the specified role(s)
$users = get_users( array( 'role__in' => ['author'] ) );
# Step 2: Extract the user IDs
$user_ids = wp_list_pluck( $users, 'ID' );
# Step 3: Modify query arguments
$query_args['author__in'] = $user_ids;
# Step 4: Return modified query arguments
return $query_args;
add_filter( 'fictioneer_filter_shortcode_blog_query_args', 'child_scope_blog_shortcode_to_roles', 10 );
In order to remove actions from the parent theme, best use the 'wp'
(priority 11+) hook to ensure you remove them after they have been added (otherwise it will not work). Filters are similar, although some cases require more specific hooks, but 'init'
or 'wp'
should generally work too. More on removing actions and removing filters can be found in the official WordPress documentation.
This goes into your child theme’s functions.php
function child_remove_scheduled_chapter() {
// Removes "Next Chapter" schedule note above chapter lists
remove_action( 'fictioneer_story_after_content', 'fictioneer_story_scheduled_chapter', 41 );
// Removes ellipsis added to "Read more" links on excerpts
remove_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'fictioneer_excerpt_ellipsis' );
add_action( 'wp', 'child_remove_scheduled_chapter', 11 ); // This is added on 'wp' with priority 10, so you need to be later