The Waitlisters website is a responsive, mobile-ready, dynamic-resource-backed website.
Last updated: August 30th, 2018
- Updated the Projects page user interface to better display projects through a thumbnail grid that expands to reveal a project preview
The Waitlisters website harnasses a variety of technologies:
- HTML5 Up | Stellar - Responsive HTML5 template as skeleton for site (heavily modified, mainly via CSS)
- ThumbnailGridExpandingPreview - a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images
- Tabletop.js - takes a Google Spreadsheet and makes it easily accessible through JavaScript
- FontAwesome - the world’s most popular and easiest to use icon set
- Google Analytics - tools to analyze site visitors
- [jQuery] - JS library
The website is maintained by Santiago Moreno (web lead for the Waitlisters) and Alex Bellon (Cyber Security, Social Media, and Marketing lead). Chia-Hua Lu (secondary web lead) ocassionally contributes to the site as well.
Santiago began the first version of the site at HackTX 2017 in October of 2017. The site started as a page to host information about the Waitlisters first hackathon project and later expanded to include team member information.
Today the site is in its second iteration and has significantly expanded beyond the scope of the original website.