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D1 SDK Sample iOS application v2

Sample application to show the integration of D1 SDK in to an iOS application. This serves not only as a guide but also as a ready made solution if code needs to be transferred 1:1 to client applications.

Getting started

Note: Thales SDK support team will supply all config files directly via email.

The following files need to be added to the project:

TLDR files to add:

├── D1Configuration.plist
└── D1 SDK Binaries

D1 Backend Configuration

The D1Configuration.plist file which holds the D1 backend configuration needs to be added to the project.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

The D1Configuration.plist file is not kept under version control to prevent it from being overwritten during repository update.

For more details, please refer to the D1 SDK Setup section of the D1 Developer Portal.

D1 SDK Binaries

This sample application was tested with D1 SDK version 4.0.0. D1 SDK binaries need to be placed in to the following location.

├── d1-libs-debug
│   ├── D1.xcframework
│   ├── D1Core.xcframework
│   ├── SecureLogAPI.xcframework
│   ├── TPCSDKSwift.xcframework
│   ├── d1-libs-debug.podspec
│   └── package.json
└── d1-libs-release
    ├── D1.xcframework
    ├── D1Core.xcframework
    ├── SecureLogAPI.xcframework
    ├── TPCSDKSwift.xcframework
    ├── d1-libs-release.podspec
    └── package.json

The D1 SDK binaries are wrapped in to Pods to differentiate between the Debug and Release version of the SDK.


target 'Templates' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for Templates
  pod 'd1-libs-debug', :path => './Libs/d1-libs-debug', :configurations => ['Debug']
  pod 'd1-libs-release', :path => './Libs/d1-libs-release', :configurations => ['Release']


For more details, please refer to the D1 SDK Integration section of the D1 Developer Portal.


To receive access to all D1 services, the user needs to authenticate with D1. This authentication is done using a JSON Web Token (JWT). For the sandbox environment a web service is used to fetch the JWT. The JWT configuration is part of the D1Configuration.plist file.

For more details, please refer to the D1 SDK Login section of the D1 Developer Portal.


Install CocoaPods:

>> pod install

Build and run project

After all of the configurations have been updated, the generated xcworkspace can be opened and build using Xcode.

Project structure

The sample application is divided in to multiple modules.

├── Core
├── Features
│   ├── Push
│   └── VirtualCard
├── Libs
│   ├── d1-libs-debug
│   └── d1-libs-release
├── Templates.xcodeproj
├── WalletExtension
└── WalletExtensionUI


D1 Developer portal


If you are interested in contributing to the D1 SDK Sample iOS application, start by reading the Contributing guide.
