Sample microservices deployment on k8s with reverse proxy, monitoring, logging features...
In this project you'll use following tools and applications:
- K8s
- Helm
- Prometheus + Grafana
- Nginx
- 10+ microservices
- K8s dashboard
Now let's start the journey!
# monitor
kubectl create ns monitoring
# app
kubectl create ns demoapp
# Check namespaces
kubectl get ns
Deploy dashboard
kubectl apply -f
# Check/Verify
kubectl get all -n kubernetes-dashboard
- Forward port so we can access the dashboard
# Note: You can also replace 8443 to the working PORT in your PC
kubectl port-forward service/kubernetes-dashboard -n kubernetes-dashboard 8443:443
- Create admin user
kubectl apply -f manifest/k8s-dashboard-user/admin.yaml
- Access the dashboard at: https://localhost:8443/, then you can use token to login to dashboard
- You can get the token to access dashboard via:
kubectl get secret admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath={".data.token"} | base64 -d
In this project we use the sample microservices application from GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo
kubectl apply -f -n demoapp
# To debug, run: kubectl get services -n demoapp
Deploy the Nginx proxy prior to fontend
service, using manifest/nginx
kubectl apply -f manifest/nginx/nginx.yaml -n demoapp
# To debug, run: kubectl get services -n demoapp
Open another terminal and run:
# Note: You can also replace 8090 to the working PORT in your PC
kubectl port-forward service/nginx-ingress -n demoapp 8090:80
Now visit http://localhost:8090/ to access your application locally:
In section #4 we've successfully deploy our microservices application on k8s, deploy the Nginx proxy infont of the fontend app. Now let's monitor our application with Prometheus + Grafana
- We will use Helm to deploy the Prometheus stack from
# Prepare
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
# Deploy
helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring
- Verify installation
# Pod checking
kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=kube-prometheus-stack"
# All resources checking
kubectl --namespace monitoring get all
- Expose Grafana
kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -n monitoring 4000:80
- Expose Prometheus
kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus -n monitoring 4001:9090
- Now we can login to http://localhost:4000 (The default username/password for Grafana is
Keep exploring the dashboard your way to see the metrics stats of our application on Kubernetes
- Visit the k8s dashboard (https://localhost:8443/), login and choose the
namespace, you can see the workload and k8s object (deployment, pod, sevice, ...) statuses:
In case you want to cleanup the resources:
# Cleanup application
kubectl delete namespace demoapp
# Cleanup other namespace
kubectl delete namespace <namespace_name>