Questioner is a full stack application for crowd-sourcing questions for a meetup. It helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.
Version 1 (v1) of the Questioner API is hosted on Heroku at: and the documentation can be found here
- Admins can create meetups
- Users can join meetups
- Users can post and vote on questions
- Users can post comments
To install Questioner, you will need the following:
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Other dependencies required are listed in the package.json file. Use
npm install
on the command line to install them. - Environment variables are defined in a .env file. You can find a .env.example file in the repository root to guide you on setting up your .env file.
Frontend (UI)
- HTML for webpage layout
- CSS for styling
- Javascript for dynamic behaviour
Backend (api)
- Node js for server-side logic
- Express for routing
- Babel for transpiling source code
Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Mocha and Chai for testing api routes
- Chai-http for simulating http calls
Continuous Integration
- Travis CI for automated testing
- Codeclimate for code quality report
- Coveralls for test coverage
- Install Node JS.
- Clone this repository here
- [cd] into the root of the project directory.
- Run
npm install
on the terminal to install Dependencies - Then run the app with the command
npm start
This project is available for use and modification under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
This project is managed with Pivotal Tracker and can be found here
- Andela
- Andela Learning Facilitators
- My mom's spaghetti ❤️