Just a simple python script that automatically exports your *nix or OSX Firefox or Chrome/Chromium bookmarks into prettified HTML.
All "Folders" are headers and the links themselves are lists beneath each header.
Optionally scp the file to a remote host in order to publish on your web server for access elsewhere.
If scp is not used then a 'bookmarks.html' file is created in the directory where the script was called from.
Add this script to your cron in order to have it update your bookmarks when they change or perhaps further this script with linux' ionotify so that it automatically runs when the sqlite database is modified.
jQuery with the stock (smoothness) theme. Additional themes can be downloaded and/or created at http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ Optional: system provided SCP to transfer to a remote host Optional: Growl notification via gntp protocal.
Change 'firefox' string in script to the path of your Firefox profiles
Uncomment specific "input_filename" for usage with Chrome or Chromium as
they use different directory paths (obviously).
Set use_scp in script to 'True' or 'False' depending on whether you want to transfer to a remote host. If 'True' then change the 'scp_username', 'scp_host', and 'scp_filename' to suit your requirements.
Set use_growl in script to 'True' or 'False' depending on whether you wish to be notified by Growl when the script completes it's export. Optionally set 'hostname' and 'password' if sending notifications to a remote host.