Full disassembler and assembler for intel-style assembly (x86 and x64) - and soon ARM/ARM64.
Language: C++
✔️ Portable and easy to include
✔️ Text-to-assembly to write instructions and/or function routines
⏳ Analysis of function routines
✔️ Disassembly; text translation as well as text/AST decompilation of instructions
✔️ Memory-editing utilities for both internal and external application
✔️ Open-sourced
For more information, see Release Notes
I am open to contributions, but please give credit where due,
if this has been forked or modified. Thanks
Note for disassembly: the opcode struct does not contain any useful information except for
the text translation of the instruction and the instruction bytes/length.
There will be a lot more functionality soon.
Please report any incorrect outputs or bugs to my discord (jay_howdy).
Feedback much appreciated :)
SeraphAsm uses a hard-coded lookup table for identifying opcodes, which gets initialized
once in every new instance of an "Assembler" class.
This is surely faster than parsing all of the opcodes/information
from a separate file. It also means we don't need to deal with
a reference file in the project directory.
However, that means SeraphAsm will generate quite a bit of code.
This isnt much of a problem if you aren't concerned about project size or compilation speed.
I'll show some brief examples of this API's usage.
First, to demonstrate assembling in x86 mode:
#include "SeraphAsm/Seraph.hpp"
int main()
Seraph::Assembler<Seraph::TargetArchitecture::x86> assembler;
Seraph::ByteStream stream;
stream = assembler.compile(R"(
// single-line comments are allowed, but multi-line not supported yet
main: // automatic labeling system
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [ebp+08h] // eax = first arg
add eax, dword ptr[ebp+0Ch] // eax += second arg
pop ebp
)", 0);
printf("\nOutput: \n\n");
while (stream.good())
printf("%02X ", stream.next());
catch (Seraph::SeraphException e)
printf("Error: %s\n", e.what());
return 0;
This will produce the following output:
55 8B E5 8B 45 08 03 45 0C 5D C3
These bytes represent the assembly instructions.
They can be written to any memory location
and executed. In this particular example we assembled
a function that adds two ints. Equivalent to:
int __cdecl add(int a, int b){ return a + b; }
It's important to note that there is a syntax to follow
when using Seraph assembler, otherwise bytecode will fail to generate.
For example, hex numbers must be specified as hex by adding
an 'h' at the end. Ex: 0Ch, 0FF03380h, ...
By default, Intel syntax is used.
Notice we use a "ByteStream" class, which is really
just a basic byte-vector container, that offers a lot of
extra control.
I will document the rest of the ByteStream class eventually.
Let's take a look at compiling x64 assembly.
To do this we need to initialize a 64 bit Assembler.
Simply pass TargetArchitecture::x64 as an enum in the template, rather than x86.
Now it will compile 64 bit assembly code:
Seraph::Assembler<Seraph::TargetArchitecture::x64> assembler;
Seraph::ByteStream stream;
stream = assembler.compile(R"(
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, [rbp+08h]
add rax, [rbp+0Ch]
mov rax, AC000F0000h
jmp qword ptr[rax]
jmp AF001F0000h
jz testLabel
pop rbp
)", 0xAF000F0000);
printf("\nOutput: \n\n");
while (stream.good())
printf("%02X ", stream.next());
catch (Seraph::SeraphException e)
printf("Exception: %s\n", e.what());
Notice, for all relative values in call/jmp instructions (such as jmp AF001F0000h
), we need to provide an offset to jump relative to,
because otherwise it will just start at 0.
This is solved with the "offset" parameter of the compile function.
Typically, here you would put the base address of the module that this assembly code is located in (like the start of the .text section).
But since we're compiling these instructions to go basically anywhere, it's up to you to provide it with the offset--wherever it is you write these bytes to.
Please note - currently the size of this parameter is based on whether your program is x86 or x64.
To disassemble, or, convert byte values into readable instructions,
we create a Disassembler. We then feed it our stream (or any stream) that contains byte values.
You can simply add this code to the previous example.
By disassembling it rebuilds the instructions (so, exactly the reverse of compile):
Seraph::Disassembler<Seraph::TargetArchitecture::x64> disassembler;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
auto next1 = disassembler.readNext();
printf("%i. %s\n", i, next1.text.c_str());
For relative jumps or calls, it has nothing to go off of except a byte stream.
So, if you know the offset or location of the bytes being disassembled,
you can use disassembler.setOffset(...)
to supply it with that
offset, then jumps and call instructions will be relative to that (Rather than 0 + stream index)