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🚀 Super Heatmapper Project

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Super Heatmapper Project is not just another heatmap generator; it's your go-to comprehensive video analysis tool! Powered by Ultralytics YOLOv8, this project helps you unravel the mysteries hidden in your data with stunning visualizations.

✨ Features

  • Intuitive Data Visuals: Transform intricate datasets into eye-catching visualizations for easy understanding.

  • Efficient Pattern Detection: Quickly spot trends, clusters, and outliers with heatmap visualizations.

  • Spatial Intelligence: Leverage spatial relationships for smarter decision-making in BI, environmental studies, and urban planning.

🚀 Getting Started


Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the main script to start video analysis and heatmap generation:


⚙️ Configuration

  • Heatmap Settings: Customize colormap, alpha value, and other heatmap parameters in the heatmap_settings.yaml file.

  • Object Counting Region: Adjust the region for object counting in the file.

🌈 Examples

🤝 Contributing

Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙌 Acknowledgments

Hat tip to anyone whose code was used Inspiration etc.