Considering the pandemic situation, we are up with an idea to spread the information to every user regarding the number of beds available in the nearby hospitals
along with the nearest testing facilities to confirm the status of infection using our BOT website. We have also planned to embed Ambulance service so that any patient
who suspects himself to be COVID-19 positive can call the ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital/testing centre/quarantine centre.
This is a django based website to do the same.
The website has been built now and there are some new features added as well:
1. Report generation - The hospital can declare results by a tap of a button and the naive users will recieve message of the results on their mobile phones. This service has been achieved using Twilio.
2. Payment Gateway services - Paytm payment gateway has been integrated for payments after appointment booking in general.
3. More user deatils - Initially we just took the basic details of the user. Now we are also taking inputs of the symptoms they face from the user
4. Covid Graph API - As the user would mainly visit the website due to the pandemic. We have included an API to showcase the situation of the pandemic around the world
Front End- HTML,CSS,JS
Framework- DJANGO
Database Management Software- SQLite 3