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Anki deck automation

This repo provides tools to automatically build and export an Anki deck.
Will require an active AnkiConnect instance.


The easiest way to use this tool is through a docker image:

docker run -v $(pwd):/opt thisisnttheway/anki-deck-compiler:latest <anki_folder> <anki_export_path> <host:port>
# Containerized, the script expects <anki_folder> at /opt
  • <anki_folder> is the anki folder.
  • <anki_export_path> is the absolute path of the exported deck file.
  • <host:port> is the AnkiConnect instance and must be specified as <ip>:<port>.

Alternatively, the repo can be cloned and dependencies manually installed:

git clone
cd anki-deck-automation
pip install -r requirements.txt

To assemble a deck, execute <anki_folder> <anki_export_path> <host:port>

Additionally, the validity of the anki folder can be checked by running <folder>.

Folder structure

The script expects the following folder structure:

├── assets (OPTIONAL)
│   ├── image.png
│   └── audio.mp3
├── card
│   ├── back.html
│   ├── front.html
│   └── style.css
├── config.yaml
└── decks
    ├── Subdeck 1.csv
    └── Subdeck 2.csv
  • assets
    • Media files used in the deck.
    • Optional and only used if webserver: true is set in config.yaml
  • card
    • Card template definitions.
  • decks
    • CSV files of decks. Each file gets rendered into its own subdeck, with the file name being the name of the deck.
      • Assuming singleDeck: false in config.yaml. If set to true, only a file called main.csv will be consumed.
  • config.yaml
    • Contains deck information such as master deck name, model name and note fields.


The file /anki/config.yaml contains configuration of the script and Anki deck itself.
It must, at minimum, contain the following:

masterDeckName: test_deck
modelName: test_model
 - question
 - answer
  • masterDeckName
    • Name of the (master) deck under which all subdecks will be stored under.
  • modelName
    • Name of the model to create.
  • fields
    • Fields for the model.

An example config.yaml can be found in /anki.


Decks are defined as CSVs in /anki/decks.


By default, the script will create subdecks using all available CSV files.
If singleDeck: true is set in the config.yaml, the script will instead create a single deck with the name masterDeckName.
In this case, the script will only consume a CSV file called main.csv in this folder.

The CSV header row contains the fields.
All other rows specify the content for those fields:

My question 1;My answer 1;
My question 2;My answer 2;
My question 3;My answer 3;


By default, the script assumes the ; delimiter.
To change this, csvDelimiter in config.yaml can be set to a different value.
Only fields that are specified in config.yaml will actually be included in notes, apart from tags (See below).


To add tags to notes, add them into the field tags in a CSV.
Tags are separated using ,.


It is not necessary to add tags to the fields in config.yaml.
Additionally, whitespaces will be stripped.


To add pictures/audio, create new fields containing either image or audio in their name (case insensitive).
For example, the following field names would create an audio field:

  • Audio
  • AudioSentence
  • sentenceAudio
  • auxilliaryaudio
  • audio_word

In the CSV, add URLs containing the respective media.
AnkiConnect will then use this URL to download the asset:



The script will check URLs before downloading them.
If the URL does not respond or does not return a media type, then the field gets skipped in the note.
This behaviour can be changed in config.yaml (shown are the defaults if not specified otherwise):

  # Enable URL check
  enabled: true
  # Timeout, in seconds, of URL check
  timeout: 1

Local media

If media only exists locally, a webserver can be launched that serves all files under ./anki/assets.
The webserver can be configured in the config.yaml as such (shown are the defaults if not specified otherwise):

  # Enable webserver
  enabled: true
  # Listen port
  port: 1233
  # Listen address

Assets can the be accessed at http://<ip>:<port>/<file>.
(E.g. http://localhost:1233/file.mp3)


Automated Anki deck creation




