This is my week 2 C# project for Epicodus. The objective is to make a console application that allows a user to add a vendor and then place an order for said vendor. The user can navigate different entered vendors and see the placed orders for each.
- C#
- .Net Core 5.0
- MSTest
From the web:
Click the "Code" and click the 'Download zip' option.
Unzip the file
Application code is in the 'BakeryOrder' folder
Test Code is in the 'BakeryOrder.Tests' folder
Open any file to view the code
From the Terminal:
You need to have .net Core 5.0 installed on your machine in order to run this program.
Clone the repository from GitHub using git clone
Navigate to the downloaded folder using the cd command
To run the application, navigate to the BakeryOrder folder, and type dotnet restore then dotnet run in the terminal.
To run the tests, navigate to the BakeryOrder.Tests folder, and type dotnet test in the terminal.
MIT License © James Wyn 2021