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Commands Wiki

Thomas Verschoor edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Betternav_plugin wiki!


/bn shows explanation of the commands

/getlocation or /toggle toggles the coordinate messages in the action bar

/savelocation or /save saves a specific location on the map

/showlocations or /showpossiblelocations shows a list of all saved locations

/showcoordinates or /getcoordinates shows coordinates of a saved location

/del deletes a location

/nav or /goto starts navigation to a specific waypoint

/navplayer starts navigation to player

/stopnav stops navigation

The commands visualized

Here I will repeat the commands, this time I'll add some visuals

/bn shows explanation of the commands

/getlocation or /toggle toggles the coordinate messages in the action bar

/savelocation or /save saves a specific location on the map

/showlocations or /showpossiblelocations shows a list of all saved locations

/showcoordinates or /getcoordinates shows coordinates of a saved location

/del deletes a location

/nav or /goto starts navigation to a specific waypoint

Note: navigation in this gif has been done using the standard setting Bossbar mode 1!

/navplayer starts navigation to player