This repository contains and describes code used to train, evaluate, and interprete multi task STARRseq CNNs based on STARRseq data from multiple experimental set-ups provided by the Kaikkonen Lab. The folder models
contains the trained model used for further analysis described in the manuscript.
Use git clone
. Operate from inside the directory.
I recommend to use mamba to create environments and install dependencies:
mamba env create --name CNN_TM --file=./envs/CNN_TM.yml
mamba env create --name modisco_lite --file=./envs/modisco_lite.yml
mamba env create --name exp_activity_analysis --file=./envs/exp_activity_analysis.yml
Here is a list of required files that you need to place in this folder. Please start all scripts from this folder. The STARRseq activity files:
- 2023-01-10_22-29-33\ myCounts.minDNAfilt.depthNorm.keepHaps\ -\ starr.haplotypes.oligo1.txt
- 2023-01-10_22-29-33\ myCounts.minDNAfilt.depthNorm.keepHaps\ -\ starr.haplotypes.oligo2.txt
A file with all oligos:
- starrseq-all-final-toorder_oligocomposition.csv
Folder with files with p-values.
# model training
mamba activate CNN_TM
bash model_train_eavl_interpretation/
# test CNN
bash model_train_eavl_interpretation/
# ism
bash model_train_eavl_interpretation/
# tfmodisco-lite
## activate env
mamba activate modisco_lite
## download JASPAR and make it nice (without making it nice only the motif names but not the IDs will be displayed in the tfmodisco reports)
cat JASPAR2022_CORE_vertebrates_non-redundant_pfms_meme.txt | awk '{{if ($1=="MOTIF") {{print $1,$2"_"$3,$3}} else {{print $0}}}}' > JASPAR2022_CORE_vertebrates_non-redundant_pfms_meme_nice.txt
bash model_train_eavl_interpretation/
Activate the environment using:
mamba activate exp_activity_analysis
All analysis pipelines can be found in the PipelineCommands
folder. The ones named pipeline_jointPost_*.sh
without JASPAR
(i.e. with CNN motifs as motif source) were used for the manuscript.
Motif enrichment can be tested with the script
in the enrichment_ana
folder. The script needs to be run from inside this folder.