CO2 readings on an AdaFruit MagTag.
- Button A: switch between CO2, temperature, and humidity
- Button B: decrease light brightness
- Button C: increase light brightness
- Button D: toggle rapid display refresh (every measurement as opposed to 60 seconds)
- Audible alarms
- Actions could require pressing multiple buttons at once
- Sensor cover: bolt on sides, snap-on top
- Split main into modules: CO2, display, buttons, alarm, lights
- Use setAmbientPressure() instead of setSensorAltitude() if pressure sensor present.
- Accept message to display in fatal_error_blink()
- Update icon by Husein Aziz from
- Next tab icon by Ine shinta dewi from
- SVG icon to STL conversion by SVG 2 STL
- Raven image from their Twitter post
- MagTag model from AdaFruit's CAD parts repo
- SCD-40 model from AdaFruit's CAD parts repo
- MagTag case and stand modified from AdaFruit's original