The purpose of this project is to deploy a complete library orchestration website on top of a Kubernetes architecture.
You can directly run this project using images from docker hub:
For the database:
docker run --name bibli-database -e POSTGRES_DB=books -e POSTGRES_USER=tibino7 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=toto postgres:12.2
For the ISBN runtime:
docker run --name bibli-isbn-service tibino7/isbnsrv:1.1.1
For the webapp:
docker run --name bibli-website -p 8080:8080 tibino7/bibli-website:1.0
You can also build the image locally.
- have a running postgresql container, for example with:
docker run --name bibli-database -e POSTGRES_DB=books -e POSTGRES_USER=tibino7 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=toto postgres:12.2
- have a running isbnsrv container, using xlcnd's isbnlib as a microservice
To deploy with docker:
make release
docker build --build-opts <your-build-options> -t bibli-website:1.0 .
docker run --name <container-name> -p <port>:8000 bibli-website:1.0
- Kubernetes v1.7 or newer
- Helm package manager (tested with helm v3)
- Have local images of bibli-website (see above) and xlcnd's isbnlib as a microservice
To deploy using helm package manager:
cd chart
helm install -f bibli-website/values.yaml <release-name> bibli-website
2021-01-12: Docker images published on tibino7 dockerhub repository
2020-05-12: Helm chart released
2020-05-11: Database schema done
2020-05-06: Front-End static structure of library page almost done.