Simple command line pomodoro timer.
Simple CLI pomodoro timer written in rust.
Usage: pomo <COMMAND>
start Start a new pomodoro
status Prints the current pomo
watch Watch current pomo and print current state every second
stop Stops the pomo.
pause Pauses the pomo, can be resumed with 'unpause'
unpause Unpauses the pomo
info Print list of current pomos
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Run pomo help <COMMAND>
to get help for one of the commands.
The subcommand start
accepts a pomo definition: a string with a default value of 4p45b10
The pomo definition has the format [<repetitions>][p<work-duration>][b<pause-duration>]
Each of the three segments is optional.
This flag allows the user to set an end time. The work duration and number of repetitions will get changed so that the pomodoro timer finishes exactly at the specified time. The work duration is modified as little as possible from the manually set value, the manually set repetitions are ignored.
pomo start 4p30b5 --until 16:00
works great with tmux. I use it in the status bar to always show me the currently active pomodoro. Use the following line of tmux config to
display the current state:
set -g status-right ' #(pomo status) '
Obviously you can use the #(pomo status)
command wherever you want.
If you want to display the current pomodoro in OBS, then run the command pomo watch [path/to/pomodoro.txt]
and keep it running.
will update the pomodoro text file every second. Now configure a text source in OBS to read from a file to show it on the screen.
Clone this repo and install with cargo install --path .
or use the following cargo command:
cargo install --git