Unofficial API to enhance the modding experience in Timberborn.
Timberborn update 6 has implemented most features TimberApi contained pre update 0.7.
post update 0.7 TimberApi will enhance and extend the features of the Timberborn modding API.
- BuildingSpecifications, Allowing to adjust different building aspects.
- ToolSpecifications, Gives more control and customability for custom & existing tools.
- Bottombar rework, Allowing to have multi layered groups.
- EntityLinker, Connect one or multiple buildings together.
- SpecificationGenerator, Allowing to make specification in runtime.
- UIBuilder, Allowing easy access to Timberborn UI and creating your own.
- Preset system, Create your own preset to reuse component.
- Includes many default Timberborn presets.
- StylesheetBuilder, Able to create unity stylesheets in runtime.
, Able to create fragments.BoxBuilder
, Able to create Timberborn box.
- Preset system, Create your own preset to reuse component.