It's not a full validation tool, it just checks that the VAT number is formally valid: eg. 11 chars, digits only, etc. It's built using these rules:
It requires PHP >= 7.0.
composer require tox82/vatnumber-validator
Just load the VatNumber class and execute a check, passing the country code and VAT code as parameters, and it will return a boolean value. True for valid VAT number, false for invalid.
use Tox82\VatNumber;
echo VatNumber::check('FR', '12345678901'); // true
echo VatNumber::check('HU', '12345678'); // true
echo VatNumber::check('PT', '123456789'); // true
echo VatNumber::check('SE', '123456789012'); // true
echo VatNumber::check('AT', 'U123456780'); // false because of invalid number's length
echo VatNumber::check('MK', 'AA4032013544513'); // false because of invalid characters
Add specific, more robust validation for each country, when available. Eg. check digits. prefixes, suffixes, etc.