- x the price a jacket
- y the price of a trouser
- a and b being integers greater than 50
Let’s call X, Y and Z, respectively, the random variables that represent “the price of a sold jacket”, “the price of sold trousers” and “the price of a sold suit”. Given the values of a and b, the program print:
an array summing up the joint law of (X, Y), and the marginal laws of X and Y,
an array summing up the law of Z,
expected values and variances of X, Y and Z.
The project compile with Makefile:
For compile the project use the commande:
foo@bar:~/202unsold$ make re
For clean the project use:
foo@bar:~/202unsold$ make fclean
Get instruction with:
foo@bar:~/202unsold$ ./202unsold -h