To compile this code cmake, make and a C99 compiler (ie. gcc) are required. The libraries, libpng, libjpeg and libtiff are optional but WE RECOMMEND THEM.
Compile the binaries by running the following line in the current directory:
$ mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make
the process will produce the binary: Inpainting
Running the program without parameters prints its usage instructions:
$ build/Inpainting
./build/Inpainting input mask output [OPTIONS]
Available options are:
-depth Specify depth input
-method method name (nlmeans)
-patch patch side (9)
-iters inpainting iterations (200)
-scales scales amount (11)
-coarse coarsest rate (0.1)
-conft confidence decay time (5)
-confa confidence asymptotic value (0.1)
-lambda lambda (0.05)
-lambdar lambda for RGB channel (only for nldeph method)
-lambdad lambda for depth channel (only for nldeph method)
-init initialization type [poisson/black/avg/none] (poisson)
-psigma Gaussian patch weights (10000)
-showpyr PREFIX write intermediate pyramid results
-shownnf FILENAME write illustration of the final NNF
$ build/Inpainting data/img.png data/mask.png output.png -depth data/depth.png -patch 9 -method nldepth -lambdar 1.0 -lambdad 0.0
Note: lambda ranges in [0..1], specifying the proportion of intensity information over gradient information.
image.hpp : FixedImage and Image classes. Image with some defined
pixel type (e.g. float, Point, etc.).
The word 'fixed' in the name should be considered as
'immutable', because this class does not provide any
capabilities to modify its data
mask.cpp : FixedMask and Mask classes. A binary mask container
mask_iterator.cpp : STL-like bidirectional input (constant) iterator
point.cpp : container for 2D coordinates (x, y)
shape.cpp : container for a 2D rectangular shape (width, height)
a_image_updating.cpp : abstract class and insances of the image
patch_non_local_medians.cpp update step of the algorithm: patch-NLmeans,
patch_non_local_means.cpp patch-NLmedians, and patch-NLpoisson
a_patch_distance.cpp : abstract class and instance of the patch
l1_norm_patch_distance.cpp distances: l1, l2, and gradient-based l2
image_inpainting.cpp : ImageInpainting algorithm
patch_match.cpp : PatchMatch algorithm
distance_transform.cpp : compute the distance function to a set
gaussian_weights.cpp : compute gaussian weighted patches
gradient.cpp : compute image gradients
sampling.cpp : up/down-sampling utils for multiscale
io_utility.cpp : read and write image files
main.cpp : main program (see next section)
Setup the components of the algorithm and launch the inpainting.
// setup patchmatch
Shape patch_size = Shape(patch_side, patch_side);
APatchDistance *patch_distance = new L2CombinedPatchDistance(lambda,
patch_size, patch_sigma);
PatchMatch *patch_match = new PatchMatch( patch_distance,
random_shots_limit, -1);
// setup image update
AImageUpdating *image_updating = new PatchNonLocalPoisson( patch_size,
patch_sigma, lambda, conj_grad_tol,
// create inpainting object
ImageInpainting image_inpainting = ImageInpainting(inpainting_iterations,
initialization_type); // enum
// image of type Image, and mask of type Mask
Image<float> output = image_inpainting.process(input, mask);
This software uses the following 3rd party components:
3rdparty/iio/ contains Enric Meinhardt's iio library for image input/output:
3rdparty/simpois/ contains simpois.c (and other files used by simpois.c) from Enric Meinhardt's image script collection:
simpois.c provides a simpler Poisson solver which is used to compute the initial condition in the coarsest scale.
Both 3rdparty components are distributed under the terms of the BSD lincense, see 3rdparty/iio/LICENSE and 3rdparty/simpois/LICENSE.