Yo - Skill sharing service using ZKP and proposed new architecture
1+ years of experience in Blockchain Development
EVM | DeFi | Solidity | Security | Gas_Optimization | Assemby
🤩 Upgradable UUPS ver | 🦄 Trip to UniswapV2 Contracts | 🍣 Understanding Mastershef.sol
🥷 EVM Deep Dives series - 6 articles | 😎 Upgradable UUPS
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- 🔭 I’m currently working on Angoya to create stable-coin project but now, I'm looking for smart-contract audit firm.
- 🚀 Availability: Full-Time Supporting 40hrs/week
- 🌱 Learning all about Security of smart-contract 👉 Note
- 📫 Reach me 👉 https://twitter.com/tom_eth_dev
- ⚡️ Fun fact: I went to a National tournament in weightlifting🏋️♀️ when I was in high school 👉 Video
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