App to ...
- Linux debian distribution
- Docker Compose
- Nodejs and npm - suggested to use nvm
Use install script should work for debian distributions to install prerequesits as needed.
Do this before running the first time or if you need to reset the blockchain. Note this will reset the blockchain state back to having a few accounts with all app history deleted.
./ up reset
This will call two files used to boostrap the blockchain and database:
- resets the blockchain and initializes an eosio v2.0 blockchain node with a system contractback-end/test/bootstrap-accounts.js
- creates initial accounts and contracts on the blockchain with corresponding database information
./ up
The following services will run
- port 4000: nodejs express middleware API
- port 3000: react app
- port 8888: nodeos http API to eosio blockchain node
- port 27017: mongodb database
You can also run the back-end and front-end in a local environment by running npm start
in their respective folders. See for the local folder for more details. Services will be run on ports 3001 and 4001 for front and back end respectively.
For production start
./ up prod
This will run the react service on port 5000 with an optimized build
To (re)install npm packages and start
./ up install
./ down
If the the blockchain nodeo does not exit properly then you may need to reset the blockchain (see "Initialize npm projects and blockchain").