mongotool provides checking database changing and persist the latest database info automatically. You can also diffs two version of data via diff command.
mongotool [command]
Available Commands:
diff diffs two versions of mongodata data.
help Help about any command
run Automatically check database changes based on lasest saved version.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.mongotool.yaml)
-H, --host string host of mongos (default "localhost")
-P, --port int port of mongos (default 27017)
-u, --adminuser string admin user of mongos (default "admin")
-p, --adminpass string password of user (default "admin")
-d, --dir string path of mongotool files (default "/home/mongodb/diff")
-h, --help help for mongotool
Use "mongotool [command] --help" for more information about a command.