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This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-Medicore is a target connector. Medicore provides a set of REST API's that allow you to programmatically interact with its data. This connector manages users in Medicore, including templates and locations.

The following lifecycle actions are available:

Action Description
create.ps1 Default PowerShell create lifecycle action, including location and template mapping
disable.ps1 Default PowerShell disable lifecycle action
enable.ps1 Default PowerShell enable lifecycle action
update.ps1 Default PowerShell update lifecycle action, including updating locations and template
configuration.json Default configuration.json
fieldMapping.json Default fieldMapping.json
Assets/LocationMapping.csv Default example LocationMapping.json
Assets/TemplateMapping.csv Default example TemplateMapping.json

Getting started

Provisioning PowerShell V2 connector

Correlation configuration

The correlation configuration is used to specify which properties will be used to match an existing account within Medicore to a person in HelloID.

To properly setup the correlation:

  1. Open the Correlation tab.

  2. Specify the following configuration:

    Setting Value
    Enable correlation True
    Person correlation field PersonContext.Person.ExternalId
    Account correlation field hrNumber

[!TIP] > For more information on correlation, please refer to our correlation documentation pages.

Field mapping

The field mapping can be imported by using the fieldMapping.json file.

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description Mandatory
UserName The UserName to connect to the API Yes
Password The Password to connect to the API Yes
client_id The client ID to connect to the API Yes
client_secret The client secret to connect to the API Yes
OcpApimSubscriptionKey The subscription key to connect to the API Yes
BaseUrl The URL to the API Yes
TokenUrl The URL to generate the bearer token Yes



Due to the limitations of the field mapping, which can only return strings or an array of strings, it is necessary to perform type conversions for the properties: 'gender', 'isAttendingPhysician' and 'isPatientBound' to correctly send them to the API.

The comparison process during updates has a different approach for the 'locations' property because it is an array.

Remarks CSV Mapping

To prevent having a large number of business rules, the connector comes with two csv mapping files. One for the template (templatemapping.csv) and one for locations (locationMapping.csv), these can be found in the Assets folder. Each person can be linked to one template but multiple locations, allowing for flexible and efficient management of user access.

In the mapping files, you will find the properties HelloIdDepartment and HelloIdTitle. The values of these properties should match the values in your HelloID contract. The last two properties, LocationName and LocationId (or the corresponding properties for the template), refer to the MediCore location or template needed for that specific department or title.

The connector is designed with the assumption that the fields 'abbreviations' and 'username' are populated with the User Principal Name (UPN) from Active Directory (AD). This ensures uniqueness for each entry, eliminating the need for an additional uniqueness script. If you want to populate these properties with different values, remember to also create a uniqueness script.

In the create and update scripts, you will find the following two lines of code:

$locationLookupField1 = { $_.Department.ExternalId } # Mandatory
$locationLookupField2 = { $_.Title.ExternalId }      # Not mandatory

These lines are used to select the properties on which we loop through for every single contract that falls within the scope of the business rules. This process results in a list of departments and titles, which need to exist in the LocationMapping.csv file to obtain the corresponding MediCore location ID.

Setup the connector

How to setup the connector in HelloID. Are special settings required. Like the primary manager settings for a source connector.

Getting help

[!TIP] > For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages.

[!TIP] > If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum.

HelloID docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: