This plugin allows you to create QR codes as part of your Grails application without the need for an external service.
Render text QRCode at default size (300x300px)
Render text QRCode in 30x30px
Render url QRCode
qrCodeService.renderPng("test", 30, outputStream)
Namespace: qrcode
Render text as QRCode
<qrcode:image height="100" width="100" text="TEST TEXT"/>
If you want to include a QRCode image in an email and you use a GSP to render email content you must set attribute absolute="true". Otherwise the image url will not start with http:// and will probably not render correct.
<qrcode:image height="100" width="100" text="#648357" alt="Invoice #648357" absolute="true"/>
Render current request url as QRCode
<qrcode:url width="64"/>
In this example we have a method on the Person domain class that returns contact information as a vCard formatted String.
class Person {
transient String getVcard() {
def s = new StringBuilder()
s << "BEGIN:VCARD\n"
s << "VERSION:3.0\n"
s << "N:${lastName};${firstName};;;\n"
s << "FN: ${fullName}\n"
s << "ORG:${companyName}\n"
s << "TITLE:${title ? title.replace(',', '\\,') : ''}\n"
s << "TEL;TYPE=work,voice,pref:${phone}\n"
s << "TEL;TYPE=cell,voice:${cellphone}\n"
s << "EMAIL;type=internet,pref:${email}\n"
s << "ADR;TYPE=work,postal,pref:;;${address};${city};${state};${postalCode};${country}\n"
def timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")
s << "REV:${timestampFormat.format(lastUpdated ?: dateCreated)}\n"
s << "END:VCARD\n"
return s.toString()
Now it's easy to render a QRCode of the contact information. This QRCode can be scanned with a smartphone and imported as a contact.
<qrcode:image height="150" text="${person.vcard}" alt="${person.fullName} ${person.address} ${}"/>