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Default Channels.yml

LlmDl edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 10 revisions
# This file contains all configuration data for the TownyChat channels.
# Each channel is a map of keys and values. You can add and remove channels, as you see fit.
# Channels do not require all of the keys to be set. The keys which are required are:
#    - type
#    - commands
# The other keys are not required.
# The keys are as follows: commands, type, channeltag, messagecolour, permission, leavepermission, speakpermission, listenpermission, sound, range,
# spam_time, focusable, default.
# The TYPE key will determine what formatting is used in a channel. Types' formats are configured in the chatconfig.yml file in the channel_formats section.
# *** Further Explanation of the available keys is below: ***
# --------
# In order to swap channels, you must use the desired channel's command to enter the new chat and leave the old one.
#    eg: /tc (would put you in town chat) and typing it again would not change your channel. To get back to general chat, you can do /g.
# Commands can also be used to speak into a channel, without leaving the channel you are speaking in.
#    eg: '/tc somewords' will send 'somewords' to the townchat channel.
# ----
# The channel type is either GLOBAL, TOWN, NATION, ALLIANCE, or DEFAULT. These specify what chat formating is used from the chatconfig.yml's channel_formats
# section.)
# ----------
# channeltag is what defines how the chatconfig.yml's {channelTag} chat tag will appear in the channel.
# ----------
# permission is an optional key in a channel, when it is set the given value will be the permission node required to listen/speak in the channel. It is used
# when either spearkpermission or listenpermission is not set.
# ---------------
# speakpermission is an optional key in a channel, when it is set the given value will be the permission node required to speak in the channel, overriding
# the channel's permission key when players are speaking.
# ----------------
# listenpermission is an optional key in a channel, when it is set the given value will be the permission node required to listen to the channel, overriding
# the channel's permission key when a player's ability to hear a channel is tested.
# ---------------
# leavepermission is an optional key in a channel, when it is set the given value will be the permission node required to listen to the channel, when not
# set this is automatically set to '{channelname}'.
# -------------
# messagecolour is what defines how the chatconfig.yml's {msgcolour} chat tag will appear in the channel.
# Tip: if you want to have message colour determined per-rank on your server this is possible:
# in your chatconfig.yml's channel_formats section add {permsuffix} or {permgroupsuffix} after the {msgcolour} tag. Then in your permission plugin give the
# ranks you want to have coloured chat a suffix consisting of a colour code. Ranks without a suffix set will have the normal channel message colour used.
# -----
# range is what defines whether a channel has distance-based or world-based listening logic. Someone outside of the configured range will not see messages
# in chat and cannot be 'heard' by others outside of the range. Range is in blocks (when set above 0).
# Options for range:
#   -1 = no limits, everyone will hear messages if they have permission.
#	  0 = same world only
#	  any positive value = limited range in the same world.
# ---------
# spam_time sets how long between chatting a player must wait, to prevent players from flooding chat with spam.
# ---------
# focusable is a setting which allows players to set their focused channel, ie: using the /tc command with no message. Channels are focusable by default, so
# there is no point to adding focusable: true. You make a channel un-focusable by adding the key/value 'focusable: false'.
# ---------
# ignoreable is a setting which determines if a player can ignore the channel by using /res toggle ignoreotherchannels. By default a channel will have
# ignoreable set to true. You can add ignoreable: false to a channel in order to make it something that players cannot ignore, and will see the channel chat
# from this channel even when that player has other channels ignored. This is useful for staff chat channels which should always be monitored.
# -------
# default is a setting which decides which channel is the default when a player logs in to the server.
# ------
# hooked is a setting which decides if a channel can be view by other plugins which are using the TownyChat AsyncChatHookEvent. You may find that a plugin
# you are using will ask for 'hooked: true' to be added to a channel, in order for that plugin to further modify chat being spoken in town/nation channels.
# -----
# Each channel can have a sound by adding the key/value 'sound: SOUND_TO_USE'
# Sounds can be found here:
# Text Colouring Hints
# --------------------
# Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4, Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8, DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a,
# LightBlue = &b, Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f
channelscomments: ''
    commands: g
    type: GLOBAL
    channeltag: '&f[g]'
    messagecolour: '&f'
    default: 'true'
    range: '-1'
    spam_time: '0.5'
    commands: tc
    type: TOWN
    channeltag: '&f[&3TC&f]'
    messagecolour: '&b'
    range: '-1'
    spam_time: '0.5'
    commands: nc
    type: NATION
    channeltag: '&f[&6NC&f]'
    messagecolour: '&e'
    range: '-1'
    spam_time: '0.5'
    commands: ac
    type: ALLIANCE
    channeltag: '&f[&2AC&f]'
    messagecolour: '&a'
    range: '-1'
    spam_time: '0.5'
    commands: a,admin
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&4ADMIN&f]'
    messagecolour: '&c'
    range: '-1'
    ignoreable: 'false'
    commands: m,mod
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&9MOD&f]'
    messagecolour: '&5'
    range: '-1'
    ignoreable: 'false'
    commands: l,lc
    type: GLOBAL
    channeltag: '&f[local]'
    messagecolour: '&f'
    range: '100'

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