- Languages: Typescript, PHP, Python, Vue/Nuxt (HTML, a bit of CSS)
- Languages with very little experience: C# (.NET Core), Java
- Runtimes: Nodejs
- Frameworks: Vue.js & Vite, express, typeorm
- 📊 Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, redis, neo4j
- program so send emails via SMTP and a rabbitMQ queue
- other small projects which are at the moment all private
- typescript-project-scaffolding -> Create new typescript projects in seconds
- express-utils-template -> Template repo for easy express API development
- vantage-node -> Get weather data from vantage-pro weather station
- ccu3-backup
- senertec-dachs-msr2
- generic-nodejs-docker
- HomePage
- advent-calendar-api
- discord.js bot (private)
- simple-dmx-control
- Huge interest in DevOps like Gitlab CI/CD or GitHub Actions
- Fan of Docker and Kubernetes
- Email: trickfilm400@gmail.com
- Discord: trickfilm400