A Python toolbox to create virtual material images and to compute their physical properties. Initiated by Tristan Agaesse in 2014.
First steps: To install python, you should install the anaconda distribution.
Install the package Go to the folder containing the VirtualMaterial folder. Then install this package with the command "pip install ./VirtualMaterials". In windows the command line can be entered in a ipython console using !pip instead of pip
Developping tutorial
When developing this code, you should modify the source code in your personal folder.
To update the anaconda version of this code, use pip :
pip uninstall VirtualMaterials
pip install ./VirtualMaterials
Then you should run the tests to check that everything works :
python ./VirtualMaterials/VirtualMaterials/test/test_AllTests.py
In windows the command lines can be entered in a ipython console using !pip and !python instead of pip and python