A rather lightweight REST API on top of the SOAP-api to Matrikkelen. Supports the use-cases for Flod, i.e. look up addresses and buildings.
- /api/{VERSION}/addresses?query=MY_QUERY
The query can be of type "Vegen", "Vegen 6" or "Vegen 6A", calls the "findAdresserForVeg()" method in AdresseWebService and extracts relevant information, thus returing a list of objects on the form:
"name": "Vegen 6 A",
"matrikkel_ident": {"kommunenr": "nnnn", "gardsnr": n, "bruksnr": n, "festenr": m, "seksjonsnr": n}
where festenr and seksjonsnr is optional.
The name is composed of the attributes "adressenavn" from Adresse and the "nr" (and optionally "bokstav") from "vegadresseIdent".
The matrikkel_ident is composed of the "kommunenr", "gardsnr", "bruksnr" and optionally "festenr" and "seksjonsnr" from the "matrikkelenhetIdent"
- /api/{VERSION}/addresses?gardsnr=GARDSNR&bruksnr=BRUKSNR&festenr=FESTENR&seksjonsnr=SEKSJONSNR
where "festenr" and "seksjonsnr" is optional.
This calls the "findBygningerForMatrikkelenhet()" in BygningWebService and picks out location and building number from the response (after filtering out "BygningsEndring" objects). This returns a list of objects on the form:
"position": {
"lon": longitude in epsg:4326,
"lat": latitude in epsg:4326
"building_number": nnnnnnn
The "position" is derived from the "representasjonspunkt" of the building (i.e. parsed and split). The SOAP requests sets the SOSI-code 84 in the MatrikkelContext in the request (i.e. EPSG: 4326)
The "building_number" is the "bygningsnr" attribute from the "bygningIdent" of the "Bygning"