This insanely simple, unintentionally patriotic script generates a circuit ID based on input variables.
Circuit IDs are composed of the following variables:
- Service Type (IP Transit, MPLS, SD-WAN)
- Location Identifier
- Combination of country (USA, in my case)
- US Region ID (From list from the US Census Bureau)
- US Division ID (From the same list)
- US State FIPS Code (From the same list)
- Customer ID
- Should be something reusable that maps to the customer across all systems. In our case, the ConnectWise Company RecID
- Service ID
- Randomly generated 4 digit number
This is pretty tailored to our environment and standards, but who knows, perhaps it would be useful to some other souls out there.
$ pip install git+
$ generate-circuit-id
CRM ID: 12345
US State: hi
Service Type:
[1] IP Transit
[2] MPLS
[3] SD-WAN
[4] Cross Connect
: 3
Circuit ID: 3.84048.12345.5821
Options can also be passed as arguements:
$ generate-circuit-id --help
Usage: generate-circuit-id [OPTIONS]
Parses input data, passes to child functions, prints generated circuit ID
-c, --customer-id INTEGER Customer ID Number from CRM [required]
-s, --state TEXT US State Where Service is Delivered [required]
-t, --type [1|2|3|4] Customer ID Number from CRM [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ generate-circuit-id -c 12345 -s Hawaii -t 3
Circuit ID: 3.84048.12345.5821