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TweaXy Backend

this the backend repo of TweaXy social media application


This software is licensed under MIT License, See License for more information.


Authentication & Registration

  • Login
  • Register new user with captcha
  • send/resend email verification
  • verify email
  • Update username
  • forget/reforget Password
  • reset password using UUID
  • Get user basic profile data using ID
  • Google sign in
    • [integrated with FR | **integrated with CR]**

Users Profile

  • Search for matching users using their username or screen name (or part of them)
  • Search on tweet of specific users [for CR]
  • Delete/Add a profile banner (restores the default one)
  • Update a profile picture given the new picture.
  • Delete a profile picture (restores the default one)
  • Get/Update the profile of a specific user. eg:
    • username
    • name
    • bio
    • birthday
    • etc..

User Interactions

  • Get a list of users that follow the username.
  • Get a list of users that are followed by the username.
  • Follow a certain user using their username.
  • Unfollow a certain user using their username.
  • add/delete get blocks
  • Un/Mute a certain user using his username.*
  • Get a list of muted users.


  • Add tweets
  • Delete interactions (tweet | retweet | comment)
  • Add, remove likes on tweets
  • Get list of likers
  • Add, Delete, Get tweets
  • Get replies of a certain tweet
  • Add, Delete retweet
  • Add, remove likes on tweets
  • Get list of retweeters
  • Get list of likers
  • Search tweets / or part of the tweet (Relevance suggestions)

Timeline & Trends

  • Get a list of tweets in the home page of the user. (Timeline) (ranked by likes, comments, retweets)
  • Get a list of tweets in the profile of a user
    • & search on them
  • Get list of retweets in the profile of a user
  • Get tweets that the user mentioned in it
  • Get tweets liked by the user
  • Get a list of tweets that matches (either fully or partially) the sent string. **relevance suggestions **
  • Get a list of available trends
  • Get a list of tweets in a given trend.
  • Search hashtags


  • Add, get media

Direct Messages

_ unit test done only on REST api endpoints _

  • get conversations of user
  • get messages of conversation
  • add new message
  • get number of unseen conversation (with unseen messages count)
  • utilizing handshake authentication with socket connection


  • Get notifications list
  • Get notifications unseen count
  • push notification using firebase service ⇒ when:
    • user follow me
    • user liked on any of my interactions
    • user commented on any of my interactions
    • user retweeted on any of my interactions
    • user get mentioned

Extra requested

  • check email verification using email & token
  • check reset token using email & token
  • check email uniqueness
  • check username uniqueness
  • generate username unique at first step
  • check UUID exists UUID is user identifier {email, username, password}

Extra for testing should be removed after development done

  • get users in database API to ease testing

Development Features

For Server Maintenance

  • sending emails to team members when unhandled rejection throw on server to fast took on problem

For DB Maintenance

  • seed populated whenever we need to reset db
  • add prisma middleware to not delete any soft deleted models unless done explicitly
  • add cron script run @12:00 am every day to see if any expired data (after 90 days) to delete doing unit test

🤓 Coverage Report

we achieved 92**% of code covered**


Swagger Documentation


Socket kind of Documentation

chat doc light mode.jpeg

Folder structure

📁 backend/
├─📄 Tweaxy ERD
├─📄 .gitignore
├─📄 .prettierrc
├─📁 docs/
│ ├─📁 api/
│ └─📁 function/
├─📁 images/
├─📁 prisma/
│ ├─📁 migrations/
│ ├─📄 schema.prisma
│ └─📄 seed.js
├─📁 src/
│ ├─📄 app.js
│ ├─📄 index.js
│ ├─📄 server.js
│ ├─📄 prisma.js
│ ├─📁 config/
│ ├─📁 controllers/
│ ├─📁 errors/
│ ├─📁 middlewares/
│ ├─📁 routes/
│ ├─📁 services/
│ ├─📁 test/
│ ├─📁 utils/
│ └─📁 validations/

Design patterns

1. Singleton

  • to ensure that we have only one instance of a particular class throughout the application.

2. MVC

  • separates an application into three interconnected components: the model, the view, and the controller.
  • Model : determines how a database is structured
  • View: where end users interact within the application.
  • Controller:  interacts with the model and serves the response and functionality to the view.

3. Module pattern

  • allows you to organize your code into separate files or modules

4. Middleware

  • used for authentication/authorization of requests , validating incoming parameters and data and for logging requests.