Slack commands for managing LTI provided apps
Uses the great LTI Provider library from Stephen Vickers (
Displays help
/lti help
List installed consumers
/lti list
Add a new consumer
/lti add alias key secret launch_url description
To add tsugi-java-servlet ( simply type
/lti add tsugi-java 12345 secret http://localhost:8080/tsugi-servlet/hello Tsugi Java Servlet
Launches a consumer
/lti launch alias
To launch tsugi-java-servlet ( added as before
/lti launch tsugi-java
Create Database
CREATE DATABASE slackLti DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL ON slackLti.* TO 'slackLti'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'slackLti'; GRANT ALL ON slackLti.* TO 'slackLti'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'slackLti';
Download library from
Add to your maven repo. Assuming the library is in
:mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/Users/xavi/Downloads/LtiToolProvider-1.1.01/LtiToolProvider-1.1.01.jar \ -DgroupId=org.oscelot \ -DartifactId=lti-tool-provider \ -Dversion=1.1.01 \ -Dpackaging=jar
Define current profile in src/main/resources/
# Active Profile
Set database properties in src/main/resources/application-{active_profile}.yml
# Database configuration
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/slackLti
username: slackLti
password: slackLti
driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
We use Slack Web API for getting user's info (that is because the launch url is user agnostic).
Set client properties in src/main/resources/application-{active_profile}.yml
clientId: <your client id>
clientSecret: <your client secret>
Visit for registering an app and getting the client id and secret.