To run this in a development environment:
- Configure dependencies
- Change the properties files mentioned below
- Run this package as a Spring Boot service (mvn spring-boot:run)
- Copy the application.EXAMPLE.yml file in the resources folder to a file called application.yml. Fill in the properties as appropriate. Do not modify the application.EXAMPLE.yml file.
- Edit cron-job task parameters in your "application.yml" file, to avoid runtime errors:
- failLog.cronjob.task.1: cron job time 1 goes here - e.g. 0 0 * * * * --------> failLog.cronjob.task.1: 0 0 * * * *
- failLog.cronjob.task.2: cron job times 2 goes here - e.g. 0 30 * * * * --------> failLog.cronjob.task.2: 0 30 * * * *