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Environment Variables

Jacob McSwain edited this page Oct 7, 2023 · 3 revisions
Name Default Description
LISTEN_ADDR The address to listen on. means all IPv4 addresses
DMR_PORT 62031 The port to run the DMR server on
HTTP_PORT 3005 The port to run the HTTP API, Websocket, and frontend from
REDIS_HOST localhost:6379 The Redis connection URL. Include the port
REDIS_PASSWORD password The password to authenticate to Redis with
PG_HOST localhost The PostgreSQL server hostname
PG_PORT 5432 The PostgreSQL server port
PG_USER postgres The PostgreSQL user to authenticate as
PG_PASSWORD password The password of the PostgreSQL user
PG_DATABASE postgres The PostgreSQL database to use
SECRET secret The session encryption secret. Recommended to generate a 15+ character random password different from the PASSWORD_SALT.
PASSWORD_SALT salt The password salt. Recommended to generate a 15+ character random password different from the SECRET.
CORS_HOSTS http://localhost:$HTTP_PORT,$HTTP_PORT Set to a comma-separated list of URLs you expect the app to be accessed at, including the protocol and the port if not 80/443. Used for CORS and websocket Origin validation
HIBP_API_KEY not set Set to a HIBP API key to keep bad passwords away
OTLP_ENDPOINT not set Set to an OTLP (OpenTracing) endpoint for instrumentation and tracing
INIT_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD not set If set on the first startup, this seeds the database with the password for the initial Admin user
TRUSTED_PROXIES not set Set to a comma-separated list of proxy IPs that are allowed to carry our traffic
DEBUG not set Set to any value to enable verbose logging and debug mode
NETWORK_NAME DMRHub Changes the name of the app and the title in the web interface
ALLOW_SCRAPING not set Populates robots.txt for search engines
CUSTOM_ROBOTS_TXT not set When ALLOW_SCRAPING is set, allows a custom robots.txt to be used. This is prefixed by Sitemap: /sitemap.xml and Disallow: /admin
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