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Workflows for checking files in AnVIL

The workflows are written in the Workflow Description Language (WDL). This GitHub repository contains the Dockerfile, the WDL code, and a JSON file containing inputs to the workflow, both for testing and to serve as an example.

The Dockerfile creates a docker image containing the AnvilDataModels R package and R script to generate the report. This image is built in layers, starting from an AnVIL-maintained image with the Bioconductor "AnVIL" package installed. The first layer contains the AnVILDataModels R package and is available at uwgac/anvildatamodels. The second layer contains the R scripts in this repository and is available on Docker Hub as uwgac/anvil-util-workflows.


Workflow to validate TSV files against a data model using the AnvilDataModels package. An uploader will prepare files in tab separated values (TSV) format, with one file for each data table in the model, and upload them to an AnVIL workspace. This workflow will compare those files to the data model, and generate an HTML report describing any inconsistencies.

If the data model specifies that any columns be auto-generated from other columns, the workflow generates TSV files with updated tables before running checks.

This workflow checks whether expected tables (both required and optional) are included. For each table, it checks column names, data types, and primary keys. Finally, it checks foreign keys (cross-references across tables). Results of all checks are displayed in an HTML file.

If miminal checks are passed and import_tables is set to true, the workflow will then import the files as data tables in an AnVIL workspace. If checks are not passed, the workflow will fail and the user should review the file "data_model_validation.html" in the workflow output directory.

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
table_files This input is of type Map[String, File], which consists of key:value pairs. Keys are table names, which should correspond to names in the data model, and values are Google bucket paths to TSV files for each table.
model_url A URL providing the path to the data model in JSON format.
check_bucket_paths A boolean indicating whether to check the existence of bucket paths in the data tables (default true).
hash_id_nchar Number of characters in auto-generated columns (default 16)
import_tables A boolean indicating whether tables should be imported to a workspace after validation.
overwrite A boolean indicating whether existing rows in the data tables should be overwritten.
workspace_name A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace name is "Terra-Workflows-Quickstart"
workspace_namespace A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace namespace is "fc-product-demo"

The workflow returns the following outputs:

output description
validation_report An HTML file with validation results
tables A file array with the tables after adding auto-generated columns. This output is not generated if no additional columns are specified in the data model.


Workflow to validate TSV files against a data model using the AnvilDataModels package. An uploader will prepare files in tab separated values (TSV) format, with one file for each data table in the model, and upload them to an AnVIL workspace. This workflow will compare those files to the data model, and generate an HTML report describing any inconsistencies.

Nothing is changed about the input files prior to running checks.

This workflow checks whether expected tables (both required and optional) are included. For each table, it checks column names, data types, and primary keys. Finally, it checks foreign keys (cross-references across tables). Results of all checks are displayed in an HTML file.

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
table_files This input is of type Map[String, File], which consists of key:value pairs. Keys are table names, which should correspond to names in the data model, and values are Google bucket paths to TSV files for each table.
model_url A URL providing the path to the data model in JSON format.
check_bucket_paths A boolean indicating whether to check the existence of bucket paths in the data tables (default true).

The workflow returns the following outputs:

output description
validation_report An HTML file with validation results
pass_checks a boolean value where 'true' means the set of tables fulfilled the minimum requirements of the data model (all required tables/columns present)


This workflow imports TSV files into AnVIL data tables.

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
table_files This input is of type Map[String, File], which consists of key:value pairs. Keys are table names, which should correspond to names in the data model, and values are Google bucket paths to TSV files for each table.
model_url A URL providing the path to the data model in JSON format.
overwrite A boolean indicating whether existing rows in the data tables should be overwritten
workspace_name A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace name is "Terra-Workflows-Quickstart"
workspace_namespace A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace namespace is "fc-product-demo"


This workflow imports TSV files from AnVIL data table with columns in the same order as in the data model. (Using the "export" feature directly from AnVIL will produce tables with columns in alphabetical order.)

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
table_names Names of tables in the workspace to export.
model_url A URL providing the path to the data model in JSON format.
workspace_name A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace name is "Terra-Workflows-Quickstart"
workspace_namespace A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace namespace is "fc-product-demo"

The workflow returns the following outputs:

output description
tables A file array with the tables in TSV format.


Workflow to compare the md5sum in google cloud storage with a user-provided value. Three scenarios are possible:

  1. The md5sums match. The workflow succeds with return value PASS.
  2. The md5sums do not match. The workflow fails.
  3. There is no md5sum available for the file in Google cloud storage, because it was uploaded with a composite or multipart upload. The workflow succeeds with return value UNVERIFIED.

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
file Google bucket path to a file.
md5sum String with expected md5sum.
project_id Google project id to bill for checking files in requester_pays buckets.

The workflow returns the following outputs:

output description
md5_check String with results of check (PASS, FAIL, or UNVERIFIED)


Workflow to back up the data currently stored in data tables in a workspace to a folder in the cloud bucket associated with that workspace. The data tables are exported in tsv format. A json file containing the mapping between data table name and output file is also created, which could be used as an input to validate_data_model if the user wishes to restore data tables using these tsvs.

The user must specify the following inputs:

input description
workspace_name A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace name is "Terra-Workflows-Quickstart"
workspace_namespace A string with the workspace name. e.g, if the workspace URL is, the workspace namespace is "fc-product-demo"
output_directory The name of the folder in which data table tsvs will be stored.
overwrite A boolean indicating whether the workflow should continue if the specified output_direcrory already exists (default "false")


Utilities for checking files in AnVIL






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