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Hi there 👋

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

Night Coding

🎓  I am UdoiGogoi, a Computer Science Student at NIT Silchar who loves to learn. Interested in Competitive Programming, Web Development,Machine Learning and Computer Science In general.

💡  Some technologies and frameworks I enjoy working with include NodeJS,ReactJS,Flutter,ExpressJS,Django,Tensorflow and Pytorch.

🌱  I'm on track for learning more about Web Development,Machine Learning,Deep-Learning and AI.

✉️  You can shoot me an email at! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.

My Skills include

  • Node JS & express
  • React JS
  • MongoDB
  • Machine Learning/ Deep Learning
  • Python
  • Tensorflow
  • Pytorch

languages and tools:

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Udoi Gogoi's Github Stats

Popular repositories Loading

  1. Competitive-Programming-Repository-master Competitive-Programming-Repository-master Public

    C++ 3

  2. ACM-ICPC-Algorithms ACM-ICPC-Algorithms Public

    Forked from matthewsamuel95/ACM-ICPC-Algorithms

    Algorithms used in Competitive Programming

    C++ 3

  3. LeetCode LeetCode Public

    Forked from wisdompeak/LeetCode

    This repository contains the solutions and explanations to the algorithm problems on LeetCode. Only medium or above are included. All are written in C++/Python and implemented by myself. The proble…

    C++ 2

  4. Face-Recognition- Face-Recognition- Public

    Python 2

  5. Dice_GameWebsite Dice_GameWebsite Public

    A website using simple Javascript,along with HTML and CSS,to generate a random dice game.

    JavaScript 1

  6. BMI-Calculator-FlutterApp BMI-Calculator-FlutterApp Public

    A Flutter App for calculating the BMI(BODY MASS INDEX)of user based on the user input of Height,Weight,Age and Gender.

    Dart 1