To install this gem, simply type :
gem install pinch-api
You can also add it to a gemfile :
gem 'pinch-api'
Finally, if you wish to use the head version, you can specify the github master branch :
gem pinch-api, github: 'Inchdev/pinch-ruby'
There is 2 different ways of authenticating yourself, either from an initializer file :
# config/initializers/pinch.rb
require 'pinch'
Pinch::Configuration.x_api_token = 'MY_API_KEY'
# or the recommended way
Pinch::Configuration.x_api_token = ENV['PINCH_API_KEY']
Or directly before you want to perform a query :
require 'pinch'
pinch = "MY_API_KEY", x_api_email: "")
For further documentation, please refer to the documentation website