A login and registration platform that works using terminal.
It also contains comments and explanations.
This is just to show the basic uses of:
- if/else statments
- for and while loops
- functions
- importation of code from one page to another. It focuses on how to work through loops (while and for loops), Email attempts, Password formats and Password attempts and so on.
Brief Summary:
- If the useremail or password is invalid when registering, the program will keep throwing an error until the user inputs a correct email that matches the desired format.
- If the useremail is incorrect in the login page, the user is given three tries to ensure the email is correct or it redirects the user back to the registration page.
- If the password is incorrect in the login page, the user is given three tries to ensure the password is correct or the program redirects the user back to the registration page.
- As long as the program does not exit/stop, if the username or useremail is already taken during registratio, an error messgae is seen.
- If the useremail and password are correct, the user is authenticated.
To run this code, run it from login.py code for accuracy. If the code is from ran from other files, there will be errors in the Terminal.
For better understanding, see how "listlogintestpage" works.