- Download the project as a ZIP file on your computer or use the
git clone
way from VSC. - After downloading or cloning the project, the
npm install
command will install the npm package. - The project can run on your localhost with the
npm start
command - All Firebase and TMDB keys are in
Default Email : example@hotmail.com, password : 123123
- TMDB based API
- Project design with Tailwindcss, FlowbiteReact, ReactSwiper,MaterialUI
- Responsive design
- Home page contains Popular and Upcoming movies
- The search bar contains all movies which are in the TMDB database
- Top Rated page contains Top rated movies with Load More button
- Firebase and FireStore based Email Password
authentication. Moreover updatable Email, Password, Profile Name and Profile Avatar - Individual movie pages contains Favorite button, Movie Cast, Similar and Recommended movies .
- Can add favorite movies for your own profile or can remove it