A simple IDE for uDevkit written in Qt5. This IDE want to be very lightweight and fast to load without a huge project management system.
- files project viewer with git integration
- code editor with highlighting and git integration (based on edbee)
- hexadecimal editor (based on qhexedit2)
- dark theme to preserve developer eyes 😉 (based on QDarkStyleSheet)
- Makefile parser to extract external sources and rules
- compile log with link to file
- image viewer
- HTML live preview
Qt 5.15 recommended, Qt6 compatible
Qt module used :
- core
- gui
- widgets
- webenginewidgets (Qt > 5.6) or webkitwidgets (Qt < 5.6) or a lite support for web
sudo apt install git make g++ qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools
git clone git@github.com:UniSwarm/uDevkit-IDE.git --recursive
cd uDevkit-IDE
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../src
make -j`nproc`
Binaries will be placed in bin/
For convenience, a pre-built version is available at :
Without Qt DLL (very lite) :