Older 3x to 3.3.0 Plugin Upgrade Instructions, for new installs follow the README included with the release.
When upgrading from a previous version of the plugin, please follow the below steps:
Modify the ShibCas Auth Servlet entry in IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and update the <url-pattern>:
Example snippet web.xml:
ShibCas Auth Servlet
ShibCas Auth Servlet
Update the idp.authn.flows to External. Or, for advance cases, add External to the list.
idp.authn.flows = External
Remove the authn/Shibcas bean in IDP_HOME/conf/authn/general-authn.xml:
<util:list id="shibboleth.AvailableAuthenticationFlows">
<bean id="authn/Shibcas" parent="shibboleth.AuthenticationFlow"
p:nonBrowserSupported="false" />
Note that if you an additional settings for this bean defined, such as one for supportedPrincipals, they need to be moved and applied to the authn/External bean instead in the same file, such that:
Remove the flows/authn/Shibcas directory from your IDP_HOME directory (i.e /opt/shibboleth-idp).
Remove the jars for cas-client-core-xxx.jar and shib-cas-authenticator-xxx.jar and replace them with the versions supplied with this version.