Enhance AWS Cognito to initiate FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication.
Demo: https://passkeys.unicornpowered.io
Disclaimer note: Do not use this project directly in production. It may be result of potential data breacj, it's just a proof of concept of how to use AWS Cognito with FIDO2 Authentication (Passkeys). We have also tried some things just for fun.
install dependenciesyarn build
compile typescript to jsyarn deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
This project require an active hosted zone already registered by route 53 at the domain defined in the cdk.json context. If you want to deploy it directly, you should have one hosted zone registered, otherwise, you can comment it and use the default domain name generated by cloudfront. You must be in HTTPS to use passkeys.
Under the `frontend`` folder:
install dependenciesyarn dev
launch a dev serveryarn build
build frontend
Under the frontend
yarn build
build frontend
Then at the root
yarn deploy
Resource that I found useful during my research.