iTunesApi is a simple, synchronous/asynchronous API controller and object for searching the iTunes Search API and iTunes Feeds.
- ITunesSearchApi: Use this class to search in the iTunes Store (Music) songs, albums and artist.
- ITunesFeedsApi: Use this class to get top album or songs in the iTunes Store (Music).
Documentation : iTunesApiDocs
[![CI Status]( Pinet/iTunesApi.svg?style=flat)]( Pinet/iTunesApi)
- AFNetworking
- RestKit
iTunesApi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'iTunesApi'
And execute this command in your project folder:
pod install
ITunesSearchApi class is use to search in the iTunes Store songs, albums and artist.
See the sample project iTunesApi in 'Exemple' directory.
Import header file for iTunesApi:
#import <iTunesApi/ITunesApi.h>
Add delegate 'ITunesSearchApiDelegate' protocol to your class and create a member variable:
@interface EPViewController () <ITunesSearchApiDelegate>
ITunesSearchApi *iTunes;
Add delegate function to receive result:
#pragma mark - ITunesSearchApiDelegate
-(void) queryResult:(ITunesSearchApiQueryStatus)status type:(ITunesSearchApiQueryType)type results:(NSArray*)results
if (status==ITunesSearchApiStatusSucceed &&
type == QueryMusicTrackWithSearchTerm) {
resultArray = results;
Initialise ITunesSearchApi with delegate:
iTunes = [[ITunesSearchApi alloc] init];
[iTunes setDelegate:self];
Execute query:
[iTunes queryMusicTrackWithSearchTerm:@"london+grammar+strong" asynchronizationMode:TRUE];
ITunesFeedsApi class is use to get top album and songs from the iTunes Store.
See the sample project iTunesApi in 'Exemple' directory.
Import header file for iTunesApi:
#import <iTunesApi/ITunesApi.h>
Add delegate 'ITunesFeedsApiDelegate' protocol to your class and create a member variable:
@interface EPViewController () <ITunesFeedsApiDelegate>
ITunesFeedsApi *iTunes;
Add delegate function to receive result:
#pragma mark - ITunesFeedsApiDelegate
-(void) queryResult:(ITunesFeedsApiQueryStatus)status type:(ITunesFeedsQueryType)type results:(NSArray*)results
resultArray = results;
Initialise ITunesSearchApi with delegate:
iTunes = [[ITunesFeedsApi alloc] init];
[iTunes setDelegate:self];
Execute query for top 10 albums in canada:
[iTunes queryFeedType:QueryTopAlbums forCountry:@"ca" size:10 genre:0 asynchronizationMode:TRUE];
Execute query for top 10 songs in us:
[iTunes queryFeedType:QueryTopSongs forCountry:@"us" size:10 genre:0 asynchronizationMode:TRUE];
Eric Pinet,
iTunesApi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.