This SDK has been deprecated and won't receive more fixes, features or version updates. We suggest using our other SDK:s like UpCloud Go API, UpCloud Python API or just call UpCloud API directly.
This is a Java API client library that provides integration with the UpCloud API. It allows cloud resource management on UpCloud's IaaS with easy to use objects and functions for the Java programming language.
The base URL for all API operations is and require basic authentication using UpCloud username and password. We recommend creating a subaccount dedicated for the API communication for security purposes. This allows you to restrict API access by servers, storages, and tags ensuring you will never accidentally affect critical systems.
Using the client library requires by minimum Java SE 7 while the tests need version 8.
Building the API client requires the software project management tool Maven to be installed. Follow the install instructions at their documentation.
To install the API client library onto your local Maven repository, simply execute the following command:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and run the command below:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM file:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.upcloud:UpcloudApi:1.2.0"
First, generate the JAR by executing the command underneath:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/UpcloudApi-1.2.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.upcloud.client.*;
import com.upcloud.client.auth.*;
import com.upcloud.client.models.*;
import com.upcloud.client.api.AccountApi;
import java.util.*;
public class AccountApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: baseAuth
HttpBasicAuth baseAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("baseAuth");
AccountApi apiInstance = new AccountApi();
try {
AccountResponse result = apiInstance.getAccount();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#getAccount");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | getAccount | GET /account | Account information |
FirewallApi | createFirewallRule | POST /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | Create firewall rule |
FirewallApi | deleteFirewallRule | DELETE /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Remove firewall rule |
FirewallApi | getFirewallRule | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Get firewall rule details |
FirewallApi | serverServerIdFirewallRuleGet | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | List firewall rules |
IPAddressApi | addIp | POST /ip_address | Assign IP address |
IPAddressApi | deleteIp | DELETE /ip_address/{ip} | Release IP address |
IPAddressApi | getDetails | GET /ip_address/{ip} | Get IP address details |
IPAddressApi | listIps | GET /ip_address | List IP addresses |
IPAddressApi | modifyIp | PUT /ip_address/{ip} | Modify IP address |
PlanApi | listPlans | GET /plan | List available plans |
PricesApi | listPrices | GET /price | List prices |
ServerApi | assignTag | POST /server/{serverId}/tag/{tagList} | Assign tag to a server |
ServerApi | attachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/attach | Attach storage |
ServerApi | createFirewallRule | POST /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | Create firewall rule |
ServerApi | createServer | POST /server | Create server |
ServerApi | deleteFirewallRule | DELETE /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Remove firewall rule |
ServerApi | deleteServer | DELETE /server/{serverId} | Delete server |
ServerApi | detachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/detach | Detach storage |
ServerApi | ejectCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/cdrom/eject | Eject CD-ROM |
ServerApi | getFirewallRule | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Get firewall rule details |
ServerApi | listServerConfigurations | GET /server_size | List server configurations |
ServerApi | listServers | GET /server | List of servers |
ServerApi | loadCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/cdrom/load | Load CD-ROM |
ServerApi | modifyServer | PUT /server/{serverId} | Modify server |
ServerApi | restartServer | POST /server/{serverId}/restart | Restart server |
ServerApi | serverDetails | GET /server/{serverId} | Get server details |
ServerApi | serverServerIdFirewallRuleGet | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | List firewall rules |
ServerApi | startServer | POST /server/{serverId}/start | Start server |
ServerApi | stopServer | POST /server/{serverId}/stop | Stop server |
ServerApi | untag | POST /server/{serverId}/untag/{tagName} | Remove tag from server |
StorageApi | attachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/attach | Attach storage |
StorageApi | backupStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/backup | Create backup |
StorageApi | cancelOperation | POST /storage/{storageId}/cancel | Cancel storage operation |
StorageApi | cloneStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/clone | Clone storage |
StorageApi | createStorage | POST /storage | Create storage |
StorageApi | deleteStorage | DELETE /storage/{storageId} | Delete storage |
StorageApi | detachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/detach | Detach storage |
StorageApi | ejectCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/cdrom/eject | Eject CD-ROM |
StorageApi | favoriteStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/favorite | Add storage to favorites |
StorageApi | getStorageDetails | GET /storage/{storageId} | Get storage details |
StorageApi | listStorageTypes | GET /storage/{type}/ | List of storages by type |
StorageApi | listStorages | GET /storage | List of storages |
StorageApi | loadCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/cdrom/load | Load CD-ROM |
StorageApi | modifyStorage | PUT /storage/{storageId} | Modify storage |
StorageApi | restoreStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/restore | Restore backup |
StorageApi | templatizeStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/templatize | Templatize storage |
StorageApi | unfavoriteStorage | DELETE /storage/{storageId}/favorite | Remove storage from favorites |
TagApi | assignTag | POST /server/{serverId}/tag/{tagList} | Assign tag to a server |
TagApi | createTag | POST /tag | Create a new tag |
TagApi | deleteTag | DELETE /tag/{tagName} | Delete tag |
TagApi | listTags | GET /tag | List existing tags |
TagApi | modifyTag | PUT /tag/{tagName} | Modify existing tag |
TagApi | untag | POST /server/{serverId}/untag/{tagName} | Remove tag from server |
TimezoneApi | listTimezones | GET /timezone | List timezones |
ZoneApi | listZones | GET /zone | List available zones |
- Account
- AccountResponse
- AddIpRequest
- AddressFamily
- AssignIpResponse
- AttachStorageDeviceRequest
- AvailablePlanListResponse
- AvailablePlanListResponsePlans
- BackupRule
- CloneStorageRequest
- ConfigurationListResponse
- ConfigurationListResponseServerSizes
- CreateBackupStorageRequest
- CreateNewTagResponse
- CreateServerRequest
- CreateServerResponse
- CreateStorageRequest
- CreateStorageResponse
- Error
- ErrorCode
- ErrorError
- ErrorStatus
- FirewallRule
- FirewallRuleCreateResponse
- FirewallRuleListResponse
- FirewallRuleListResponseFirewallRules
- FirewallRuleRequest
- IpAddress
- IpAddressListResponse
- IpAddresses
- ModifyIpRequest
- ModifyStorageRequest
- ModifyTagRequest
- Plan
- Price
- PriceListResponse
- PriceListResponsePrices
- PriceZone
- RestartServer
- Server
- ServerListResponse
- ServerListResponseServers
- ServerSize
- ServerState
- ServerStorageDevices
- ServerTags
- StopServer
- StopServerRequest
- Storage
- StorageAccessType
- StorageBackups
- StorageDevice
- StorageDeviceDetachRequest
- StorageDeviceLoadRequest
- StorageServers
- StorageState
- StorageTier
- StorageType
- SuccessStoragesResponse
- SuccessStoragesResponseStorages
- Tag
- TagCreateRequest
- TagListResponse
- TagListResponseTags
- TagServers
- TemplitizeStorageRequest
- TimezoneListResponse
- TimezoneListResponseTimezones
- Zone
- ZoneListResponse
- ZoneListResponseZones
The username and password should be saved as environmental variables while developing API applications to avoid accidentally publishing your account details.
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
This SDK has been deprecated so no new issues can be opened.
This project is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for more information.